Please note that the minutes below are not the official minutes. They are taken from the official minutes, re-formatted for website use, and published on the website in order to keep the citizens of Hankelow informed.

Hankelow Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 11th May 2009

THOSE PRESENT:- The Chairman, Cllrs. Cope, Foster, and Williams. Also present were 5 parishioners.

APOLOGIES:- Cllr. E. Hulme

  1. Election of Officers

    Position Person elected Proposed by Seconded by
    Chairman Cllr. D. Mounteney Cllr. Williams Cllr. Cope
    Vice Chairman Cllr. G. Cope Cllr. Foster Cllr. Williams
    Public Hall Committee Cllr. G. Cope Cllr. Williams The Chairman
    Burial Board Cllr. G. Foster Cllr. Cope Cllr. Williams

    Cllr. John Williams who was the proposed Chairman reported that he had decided not to stand as Chairman for the coming year. The previous Chairman, D. Mounteney agreed to stand again. Cllr. Williams stated that The Chairman, who was was a recent arrival on to the Parish Council, was working very diligently in the role.

    The Chairman then closed the Parish Council Meeting and opened the Annual General

    The Chairman then closed the Annual General Meeting and re-opened the Parish Council Meeting.

  2. Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd March 2009

    The Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2009 were read and, being accepted, signed by the Chairman.

  3. Matters arising

    1. Laptop computer

      The Council thanked Mr Charlie Foster for his work in upgrading the village computer to include Powerpoint and an Office Package

    2. Town and Parish Grant Scheme

      The Chairman reported that the new curtains included in the the Schoolroom Project had now been made and installed and that the remaining building work included in the Project was underway. The Schoolroom ceiling insulation had been completed together with the base for the Shed. The price for the building work was still firm at £2,465.00. The shed had been built and erected. It was agreed that the The Chairman should consult with Val Morrey concerning the purchase of tables for the Chapel Schoolroom.

      The Chairman also reported that the Village Green project was almost completed as the old fence had been removed by volunteers and the new fence had been installed. The Planters have been purchased and are being delivered to the village together with compost. Local volunteers will plant out, water and weed the planters under the Parish Council's' Adopt a Planter' Scheme. It was agreed that Cllr. Foster should contact Gary Thompson to enquire about the size of the proposed Village Plan he is preparing as any surplus money from the Grant needs to be earmarked for the purchase of a Presentation Board.

      The Chairman reported that he had received favourable comments concerning the village green and he stated that he would like it to go on the record that Kirk Shenton had planted many trees and bulbs on the green and had contributed greatly to the enhancement of the village.

  4. Reports

    1. Speed limit on the A529 through Hankelow

      The Chairman reported that the Police Survey of the A and B roads in the area had been published but that only two lines of the report referred to Hankelow and that no action was recommended. The Chairman read out a letter he intended to send in response. The letter was approved by the Council and it was agreed that it should be sent.

  5. Requests

    1. British Red Cross

      The Clerk reported that she had received a request from British Red Cross for a donation. The Clerk was requested to contact British Red Cross and ask them to take Hankelow Parish Council off their mailing list.

  6. Precept and Accounts

    The Clerk reported a Year End balance of £3,258.15

    The Accounts had been audited by Mr. A. Davenport and were ready for despatch for External Audit.

    Receipts since the last meeting
    Details Amount
    Total £2,514.12
    Cheque from Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council - Town and Parish Grants Scheme paid in 6th April, 2009 £1,414.12
    Cheshire East BACS Remittance Advice date paid - 23rd April, 2009 - Precept 1st installment £1,100.00
    Cheques issued since the last meeting
    Details Amount
    Total £1,636.12
    Clerk's Course fees for Roles and Responsibilities Course Ch.A.L.C. £30.00
    Cheshire Community Action - Application Fee - Community Pride/Community Spirit Awards £22.00
    Burial Board precept £170.00
    Cloughs - Schoolroom curtains £1,414.12
  7. A.O.B.

    1. Footpaths

      Mr Roy Hill pointed out that there was a problem with farmers' crops growing over one of the local footpaths. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Footpaths Officer to report the matter.

    2. Appearance of the entry to the village on the Nantwich side

      Cllr. Cope reported that he had contacted the Council concerning the problem nettles on the road side grass verge opposite Brookfield Golf Club. The Clerk also confirmed that she had contacted Cheshire East concerning the problem nettles but had not had a reply. Cllr. Cope agreed to contact Icon Landscaping to request them to complete the killing of the nettles.

    3. Appearance of the grounds of Sylhet Lodge

      It was agreed that the Chairman should speak to Mr. Choudhury and Mr. Sayed Ali at Sylhet Lodge to explain that the village had entered the Community Pride Competition and to ask them to join in with the residents of Hankelow with their efforts in keeping the village clean and tidy.

    4. Appearance of the area around the bus shelter

      Cllr. Cope reported that it had been brought to his attention by Sue Walley and Ann Wright that the area around the bus shelter needed tidying. This is an area of the green which Kirk Shenton said he would keep tidy. Cllr. Cope agreed to speak to Kirk Shenton about this matter.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting with the date of the next meeting set for 3rd August 2009.