Minutes of the meeting held 6th November 2006.

THOSE PRESENT :- The Chairman, Cllrs, Williams, Mounteney, Hulme and Foster. Also present were 8 parishioners, Cllr. R. Bailey and Ron Clarke from The Borough Council.

The minutes of the meeting held 3rd July 2006 were read and being accepted were signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman asked for 2 minutes silence in Memory of Leslie Walley. This was observed by all present.



The Clerk reported that the area had been stoned by the Council but Cllr. Hulme and Mounteney said that these were now coming out.


Ron Clarke spoke to the Meeting about the Parish Compact whereby the Parish would receive a payment to go towards funding for extra work to be done by someone extra to what the Borough Council do to keep the village tidy. He explained the system in full and left a leaflet for the Parish Council to discuss.

He was asked how many times per year the green should be mown. He said that it should be done fortnightly. He would look into the frequency as the Councillors said that it was not being done that often.


A cheque had been sent to


Cheques were raised for

MR. MOTTERSHEAD (Duck food) £ 20.00

J. SCOTT ¼ YEAR SAL & EXPEN. £ 182.67

The Precept was discussed, as this is due before the next meeting. It was decided to increase this by 10% to £2200.00 as it has not increased for 4 years.


  1. Cllr. Foster suggested that they should look into the Speed Limit again. She asked if it could be arranged for a member of the Association of Parish Councils and also Cheshire County Council Transport to come to a meeting to discuss this. This was agreed and the Clerk was requested to write to the appropriate people.

  2. The Chairman invited Mr. Shenton to speak on Planning Application for Manor Farm Cottage.

Mr. Shenton and the owner were upset with the decision to reject the application, which had recently been received.

The Chairman showed them the decision with the reasons for the refusal. It was pointed out that the house was not 3 storey as detailed in the Parish Councils objection. Mr. Shenton said that the comments about the building line and drains were not true.

He said that the applicant was going to appeal against the decision.

Cllr. Bailey then addressed the meeting. She did so on the request of the Chairman in response to Mr. Shentons request.

She said that the Parish Council would receive a copy of the appeal documents.

  1. The Clerk said the bulbs which had been ordered were ready for collection tomorrow and he would collect them and give them to Mr. Foster for distribution.

There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chairman and the date for the next meeting was set for 5th February 2007.